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Hollywood Takes on the World

Jan. 1, 2016 | By Bruce R. Feldman

The planet's 7.3 billion inhabitants reflect a multitude of divergent opinions and opposing beliefs. We struggle daily to understand the thinking and actions of cultures foreign to us, to make sense of it, to reconcile it with our own strongly held convictions and world view.

It often appears that we have less and less in common with each other. Yet the love of American movies unites us on some level. American films continue to dominate the world-wide box office to a remarkable, ever growing extent.

"As 2015 comes to a close, global box-office receipts are expected to hit a record $40 billion — a 10% increase over 2014," reports Ryan Faughnder in the Los Angeles Times.

"Most of that gain is coming from overseas, where a rising middle class with more disposable income to spend on entertainment is giving Hollywood a much-needed second wind. Nearly 73% of box-office revenue this year was generated outside the domestic market, up from 66% in 2010."

Faughnder goes on to explain in more detail the reasons for rising attendance overseas, why some films that flop in the U.S. are hugely successful elsewhere, and the how a strong dollar has tempered the rewards reaped by the Hollywood studios that produce one of our most essential exports.

Read the full article here.

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